Welcome to the second installment...
If I don't become "lazy blogger", which is regularly been known to happen, this may turn into a regular feature. I'm sure you're finding it extremely difficult to contain your excitement, but please, for the safety of other try.

1. I forgot to update way back when about the results of my Morocco survey. It was almost even with people thinking either Spain or North Africa. The correct location is North Africa...surprise to me! In defence of all the people who thought Spain, it really is quite close to's not like we were totally out in left field! Marianne, my "field correspondent" who also thought Spain, recently travelled to both...yes, confirming that we were indeed incorrect. Where should we get her to go next time?? It could be a new series just for my blog called "Where Is Mare?" In all seriousness, she said Morocco was amazing...beautiful!

2. I downloaded Bon Jovi's new album...I LOVE it!!! Must be that "Nashville influence and country sound" they keep referring to when they talk about it...I don't know, I just think it's great.

3. I want to send a big shout out to the iTunes Support Team..they're fabulous! Last week when I downloaded that album, one of the songs wouldn't play. I emailed the Support people and within 24 hours they responded with a solution, allowing me to redo that one song and it worked perfectly! I also had a problem with another single song that wouldn't play but I decided I didn't need the song (I was downloading the whole album it was on instead), I just wanted my money back. Again within 24 hours they responded and put the credit on my account. Thanks iTunes!

4. The other night I watched a movie with Heather Locklear in it. What is it with that woman...she NEVER ages! She's like the Dick Clark of television. She's stunning, looks the same as when she was in Dynasty and Melrose Place...I'm sooo jealous!!

5. Finally...a reality show is coming on that I can totally relate to...The Singing Bee! It's being advertised as the show where it's not how well you sing, it's how well you know the lyrics. Joey Fatone is the host and I have a feeling it's going to either be totally lame or unbelievably hilarious...the commercials are very funny! I think what they have to do is come up with the next line of a song but without music...that's not easy! Try it, sing R-E-S-P-E-C-T....what's the next line? I still can't come up with it...maybe it's just know, that whole "olly oxen free" thing I have going! LOL!!

6. Exciting news in the world of movies...a Sex and the City movie is FINALLY going to become a reality! They're all on board and filming starts in September. I LOVED that show! That is the one show I can still now watch episodes of over and over. I can't even really say that about Friends or Seinfeld...well, the odd one I guess, especially the older Friends episodes from the first few seasons. They were hilarious! Anyway, I hope the movie does the TV show justice. I'd hate to see a "straight to DVD" fiasco!

7. Nicole Ritchie...pregnant...are you freakin' kidding me!!! Well, they shouldn't need to do an ultrasound to see THAT baby...just keep turning her should be able to see all the appendages clearly through her stomach!! Ugh...I can't even's she going to look after a baby when she can't look after herself?

8. A BIG blog WELCOME to my newest dear cousin Sandy...the displaced Canadian who's been lovin' life in Florida for the last few years with her husband and 3 boys! She got all caught up on my recent entries and emailed me with a few comments.
First, she thinks it's sad that I'm a Bruins fan but she does agree that Montreal is THE WORST!! She's a Tampa fan now that she lives there, formerly a Leafs fan...and she calls ME sad...HA!
Second, this is exactly what she wrote regarding my horror on finding out Wentworth might possibly not be available to me anymore....YOUR BOYFRIEND IS GAY. MY BOYFRIEND, DONNY OSMOND, IS NOT GAY.
To that I say.....REALLY??
Third, she thinks Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is the #1 movie over the Sound of Music. To that I say...whatever!!
And last but not least, and I may be paraphrasing here a little, she thinks I'm an excellent driver!!!
Love ya, San....and as you can see sarcasm reigns supreme here! :-)

9. Quick you think I should choose my friends more carefully? When I wrote on my blog about my plight with multitudes of toilet paper rolls taking over my house, I would have expected my friends to show some empathy but, no, what do I friend who read my blog telling her sister (who didn't even read my blog) to save all her empty t.p. rolls and give them to me! What the hell is up with that?? The kids and I go to visit Marlene and she says "I don't know what you want these for but Marianne told me to save them for you" and then proceeds to hand Jesse 4 rolls!!! gotta love true friendship don't ya?

10. Did anyone see the magazine a couple weeks ago that had a picture of Celine Dion and a small child on the cover and wonder who the beautiful little girl was that she was with...only to be horrified to find out that was HER SON??? He has longer hair than my daughter! I don't know why but I found it kind of creepy.

On that icky note, I will end this Friday's edition of my Free-For-All. Have a great weekend one and all!


Anonymous said...

I thought Morocco was somewhere in India - Boy do I feel dumb!!

I'm very excited about that song gameshow, too. Benny & the Jets. I thought it was She's got electric boobs, a moped too, You know I really am a pakastan. Ends up beeing (see the spelling? goes with the new show?) She's got electric boots, a mohair suit, You know I read it in a magazine. I like mine better!

I'm honoured to have a spot in your blog and thank you for the....interesting.... welcome!! ROFL!!

Love ya!
Sandy Osmond

Susan said...

YES--I did see Celine Dion with her creepy she-boy!!! What is UP with that? And could SHE have been anymore airbrushed in that picture? Also, have you seen her singing "You Shook Me All Night Long" on Youtube? It's horrifying--makes you want to scratch your eyes out...

Judy said...

LMAO....Sandy "Osmond"...good one!!!

Well, obviously we are related...especially when it comes to singing it our way (which of course is the correct way!)
What's that Osmond song....
I'm a little bit country
I'm a little bit lame and droll that it?? tee hee (sorry I couldn't resist!)

Hey Susan, thank goodness somebody else saw that..I really was SHOCKED! Two older ladies in the checkout line in front of me kept looking at it and realized the same thing...their reaction was hilarious!
I haven't seen the YouTube thing..I'm not sure I can put myself through that but I'll try.

Judy said...

P.S. Yes, Sandy, after I finished my entry I thought it didn't seem very "welcoming"....but I knew you'd get it and actually so would the people who read my blog...most of them know my bizarre sense of humour (which, again, you and I are definiitely related!).

Anonymous said...

Guess what? I brought TP rolls back from Montreal this past weekend - no kidding! Should I have some sent from Morocco? I think I need to come to your place to watch that show one night. We'd have a blast. In fact, set up a party!! - marianne