I'm sure this is going to be far too long...from now on I'm really going to try to post a little every day instead of these condensed novels every other week. No, really, I will, seriously, for sure....yea, I know...whatever. Anyway, here we go...

1. Happy Birthday Kathy!! Not being a regular blog reader I hope you weren't thinking bad thoughts about me today since you probably thought I forgot...HA...see...you should visit my blog more often! Maybe I'll be extra thoughtful and send you a lovely ecard when I'm done here.

2. Whoops...temporary time out...Emily just fell out of bed, covers and all!! She's never done that before..scared the heck out of me! That happened to me as an adult one time (stop laughing...I could have cracked my head open!) years ago. I remember it was a horrible feeling. I had the dream I was falling and I did!

3. Jesse rolled out of his toddler bed one time (only about 6 inches off the ground) and when I went in his room the next morning there he was, sleeping on the floor! It obviously wasn't a loud enough thud for me to hear...or for him to wake up!

4. Emily has a tendency to sleep walk. She hadn't done it in a long time until one night a couple weeks ago. I was coming up the stairs and she was walking out of her room into my office. I followed her in and asked her what she was doing. She acted like she was holding something and made a motion with her hand to set something on the desk. Then she said she was just putting the book back. She then walked back to her room and went to bed. Aaaaggghh...that totally freaks me out when she does stuff like that!! Thankfully it doesn't happen very often but I still keep our gate from when Jesse was a baby locked at the top of the stairs at night. I'm always so afraid she'll just sleepwalk right on out to the street...you never know, she might want to help put out the recycling for garbage day!

5. Happy belated Canada Day to all my fellow canucks! Sunday night we went to Columbia Lake for the fireworks...they were amazing! Not sure why they couldn't start before 10:15 though. Also not sure why my son for the first time ever since being potty trained decided to pee his pants...while sitting on my lap...and then deny it!! Lovely!!

6. Saturday Kathy (again, Happy Birthday!) and I took the kids to see Ratatouille. It was really good...long though, 2 hours.

7. Friday night one of our neighbours and my husband put on a lovely display of fireworks for the kids on our street...at the same time apparently breaking many bylaws! Who would have thought there were bylaws specifying what dates you can use fireworks (not June 29) and where you can use them (no public property). Now I ask you, what's the point of living on a court and having a big open circle if you can't use it when you need to? They also probably would have frowned upon the fact that when one of the sparks went awry it landed under a vehicle...oops...a little scary for a moment or two!!

8. Last week was the big Tim McGraw/Faith Hill concert. As much as I'm not a HUGE fan of theirs, I was more of a chauffeur that night, I really did enjoy it. They sang for 3 hours, first the two of them, then Faith, then the two of them, then Tim and then they finished with the two of them again. I didn't think they were ever going to go home! I know, usually people are complaining about not getting their money's worth, but this was one time I would have liked it to be short and sweet...remember, I took Emily along. She loved it, knew most of Faith's songs and of course her new favourite of Tim's, which at the moment I have no idea what it's called...1,2,3, like a bird I sing.
Their stage setup was very cool, they had one big circle in the middle with four walkways going out to both sides and both ends of the stadium and they were all video screens! Anybody sitting in floor seats would have missed all that. See, it does pay to sit in the rafters sometimes!
Check out my friend Susan's post about it...she remembered binoculars and apparently enjoyed checking out Mr. McGraw with them...oooh yaaa!

9.Last weekend was also the kid's concert...Hi-5. I was very surprised, didn't love it as much as I thought I would. Their show and DVD's are very high energy and that's exactly what you would expect to entertain a theatre full of kids but some of the songs were quite slow. They just couldn't hold the attention of the younger ones...and I was surprised at how young a lot of them were...like one and two year olds. It was mayhem in there! People were letting their kids out into the aisles and they were running up and down! Overall, it was still good though, our kids were great through the whole thing and they really enjoyed it.

10. My title was originally TWENTY Tuesday tidbits but I just changed it...I've run out of steam! The other ten will have to wait...just like the part 2 to my catch-up post I was going to do last week. My goodness, I do get behind with this thing!

Sleep well everyone!!


Susan said...

Yes, I did enjoy checking out Mr. Mcgraw...and my husband enjoyed checking out Ms. Hill--it's all good!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were going to Columbia Lake for the fireworks. Judy B and I were there too!! Aaaaaagh!

Bridget aka Bee said...

LOL! Okay I just picked myself off the floor after reading about the little "accident" on Columbia Lake! Ah, the things us Mommies go through!

Oh...and I thought of you the other day - I saw Webkinz trading cards!!! They were at the Coles in Fairview Mall. They are $2.99 a pack and can be used to play games - the instructions for the games are on the Webkinz website!