Ooooh...I can tell you're all "a twitter" with anticipation...well, here we go....
1. I, too, am all a twitter (no people, that is NOT a noun!)...why you ask...ONE WEEK TO GENESIS!!! Can't you just hear it now...yes, you can actually! Turn up the volume on your speakers, close your eyes, sway and wave your lighters in unison...oh, sorry, I guess my age is's cell phones now (she writes while rolling her eyes). Actually the average age at this one might even be older than may just be lighters after all! Did I mention it's ONE WEEK TO GENESIS!!!
2. This one's for Prison Break fans...VERY can download the FIRST 17 MINUTES of the NEW SEASON! The Fox Network is showing it, unfortunately in Canada we have to find it elsewhere. I wasn't going to, I thought it would be worse to see a small portion and then have to wait two more weeks to see the rest but as some of you may already know..I'm rather...hmmm...let's say inquisitive...and curiosity got the better of me! I won't spoil anything but I will say that if the first 17 minutes are any indication, this season is going to be goooood!
It's a good thing I'm not one of those celebrity stalkers that can't separate actors from the characters they play...cause let me tell you, I'd be very concerned that things might be a whole lot different for my boyfriend Wentworth/Michael this season, especially if those prisoners in that awful prison he ended up in at the end of last season believe those nasty rumours that have been going around lately!
3. SHAME ON YOU SHERATON! As I mentioned in my vacation post, we stayed at a Sheraton hotel for most of the week. I could not believe the complete waste of hydro there. On each floor outside the elevators was one of those sofa tables along the wall and a lamp...turned on all day every day! Besides the lamp were those half moon wall least 8 in and around the small area where the elevators were...all turned on all the time. I should mention that in this same area is a huge window, bringing in more than enough natural light during the day. Then, to top it off, the car port (or whatever you call that) area in front of the hotel of course has a lot of lighting underneath...again, on all day and totally unnecessary!
4. AND SHAME ON YOU TOO ANHEUSER-BUSCH! I just went to an Anheuser-Busch website and wow, do they ever pride themselves on their recycling efforts and their concern for the environment! This is a statement taken from there..."Recycling is good for the environment, but it's also smart business. By recycling used materials, we are able to reduce cost, while minimizing our impacts on the environment. To further business and environmental goals, Anheuser-Busch continually explores ways to reduce the materials we use and to recycle the byproducts of our business."
I find that extremely interesting considering that Sesame Place is an Anheuser-Busch owned park and throughout the ENTIRE park...I saw ONE RECYCLING BIN!!!
5. Ok everyone, hold onto your honey!!
NOVEMBER 2, THE HIGHLY ANTICIPATED PREMIER of the BEE MOVIE...well, I know I'm anticipating it, I can't's going to bee un-bee-lievable!! Fine, I'll stop, no more bee or honey jokes (I stole the one right off the website!). Jerry Seinfeld wrote and produced it and is the "star bee voice". Some of the other voices belong to Chris Rock, Renee Zellweger, John Goodman, and Megan's sure to be a hit!
6. Things I learned on my vacation...
-- Murphy's law will take over and at the exact moment you're ready to leave, your daughter that NEVER falls or hurts herself, will of course fall in the driveway and hit her head on the brick wall...ouch! I also learned that the spot will turn into a "goose bump"...funny, I always called it a goose egg...silly me!
-- when my son says a van looks like someone's we know...I'll believe him. When we were sitting at the border to cross into the States, there was about 12 long lines of traffic waiting to cross and about 3 lines over Jesse saw a blue van that he said looked like our neighbour's (it's an unusual colour of blue). Of course we humoured him and said yes, it does...well, after doing a double-take we realized it WAS them!
-- you should NEVER tell your children anything too soon! My husband forgot that little gem of "Parenting 101" and told them that we'd be going through a tunnel under a mountain...about 4 hours too early! We couldn't get through that thing soon enough! You'd think they would get tired of asking when we'd be getting there, wouldn't you?
-- that your heart is not beating...according to Jesse it's "beeping"!
-- those potato chips that are folded over are called "wish chips"! Emily was explaining this to Jesse and told him to make a wish before he ate them. I never knew that!
Friday, August 31, 2007
I am so jealous you're going to Genesis. I know they'll be coming here at some point but I'm just really jealous!! Well, with me not there, you'll have a chance of him noticing you, at least!! ROFL!!
You didn't know about wish chips? You gotta get out more!!
I have found that America, in general, sucks at recycling. When Kevin was in the hospital I didn't see a single recycle can. In fact, they still use lots of styrophome (sp?)and...they sell cans of pop (they call it soda here but I defy them and call it pop 'cause I'm Canadian and I can do what I want!!) at every single waiting room but no recycle bin! I wrote a letter but I doubt it'll do any good - not like you can avoid going there if you have to. Ugh!! Living in the U.S. is frustrating at times.
Anyway, have a good time with Phil and, if they sing Follow You Follow Me think of me - it's one of Andrew's & my songs.
ps - you gonna post some anniversary pictures? No pressure but we're all waiting!!
pss - Don't post any where I have a double chin, remember!! ROFL!!
Hmmm...I never heard about the "wish chip" thing either. It's good when blogs are educational...
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