Now THIS is more along the lines of what I had in mind when I changed colours! It just took some more's amazing what you can figure out when you actually read a few simple instructions.
Please excuse the header though! It's late and I can't try to fix it any longer. I have no idea what's wrong with the right side. Well, c'mon now, you can't expect it to be perfect all at once! Ok, I can and it's driving me nuts but I'm just going to be all TYPE B and not worry about it for now (easier said than done!).
There's always tomorrow....
Rome wasn't built in a day
Michael Jackson didn't become white all in a day
Britney Spears didn't discover Hanes all in a day
Paris Hilton didn't become an actress...ever....


Holly said...

HA HA HA... good ones....
not sure about the header border but the colours are really nice! :)

Michael P said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

Very nice. (the comment above was me too...but I signed in wrong)

Bridget aka Bee said...

LOVE it!!!! Looks great!

alison said...

Britney....Hanes.....bwahahaha. The new colours are looking good!

Maddie and Sydney said...

Very nice! Love the colours!

Anonymous said...

My favourite colours and the header is fine the way it is imho ....marianne

Sandy C said... funny!!

The whole thing looks fabulous. I don't see anything wrong with the header but this is coming from a girl who will probably never, ever, change anything about her page so take that opinion with a grain of salt! ROFL!!

Holly said...

I should clarify... I'm not sure WHAT IS UP with the header border. I don't know why you can't fix it Judy - must be the widget!