Emily and I went to see Enchanted today. Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie I've been so looking forward to seeing it. It did not disappoint at all! Right from the beginning where the princess is banished to a place where there is no happily ever after (turns out to be New York City) to the end where she is saved by "love's true kiss", it's just a delightful spin on a modern day fairy tale.
Amy Adams that plays the princess is wonderful in this movie and absolutely cute as a button! And ladies, if you enjoy watching Patrick Dempsey as McDreamy every week, I can almost guarantee you will enjoy him in this movie where he plays a cynical divorce lawyer and single father that hasn't quite found his one true love.
Em and I both really enjoyed this movie. I'd definitely recommend it...very entertaining!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and check on the mice and see how they're coming along with my gown for the Christmas Ball! Oh, damn, I keep's only a dream...I'm not REALLY a princess!!


Susan said...

We finally went to see Bee Movie yesterday--maybe we'll check out Enchanted in a few weeks when it's ready to leave the theatres. ha!

Sandy C said...

You can be a princess if you want!! I have an extra tiara. If you want it? It's yours.

Anonymous said...

This is one that the boys have been wanting to see. Thanks for the review!

Bridget aka Bee said...

Okay - you are the movie GURU!! Now you totally have me wanting to see this one too! :)