Emily and I went to see Enchanted today. Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie I've been so looking forward to seeing it. It did not disappoint at all! Right from the beginning where the princess is banished to a place where there is no happily ever after (turns out to be New York City) to the end where she is saved by "love's true kiss", it's just a delightful spin on a modern day fairy tale.
Amy Adams that plays the princess is wonderful in this movie and absolutely cute as a button! And ladies, if you enjoy watching Patrick Dempsey as McDreamy every week, I can almost guarantee you will enjoy him in this movie where he plays a cynical divorce lawyer and single father that hasn't quite found his one true love.
Em and I both really enjoyed this movie. I'd definitely recommend it...very entertaining!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and check on the mice and see how they're coming along with my gown for the Christmas Ball! Oh, damn, I keep's only a dream...I'm not REALLY a princess!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We finally went to see Bee Movie yesterday--maybe we'll check out Enchanted in a few weeks when it's ready to leave the theatres. ha!
You can be a princess if you want!! I have an extra tiara. If you want it? It's yours.
This is one that the boys have been wanting to see. Thanks for the review!
Okay - you are the movie GURU!! Now you totally have me wanting to see this one too! :)
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