Actually they are Oprah's favourite things but from her list of 20 favourites I've chosen 8 things that would definitely be on my wish list this year....Samsung Progressive HD Camcorder...very compact
Melamime Bowls, Measuring Cups and Spoons from Williams-Sonoma...for when I'm not being a LAZY COOK!
Discovery Channel's Planet Earth DVD Set...actually bought it for myself already (Costco...$59.99)!
HDTV Refrigerator with Weather & Info. Centre...because I'm definitely not a LAZY EATER!
Scrabble Premier Edition from Hasbro...I love Scrabble!
United Artists 90th Anniversary Prestige Collection...worth over $800...90 DVD's...a movie lover's dream gift!
Shaklee Get Clean Starter Kit...environmentally friendly!
Josh Groban's Noel CD...a fabulous Christmas CD...just downloaded it and LOVE it!
So there it is...just in case any of you were wondering what to get me for Christmas this year! :-)
What's on your wish list...and have you been naughty or nice??
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Naughty or nice - you have to ask, lol?? I knew you would love that scrabble thing! Ok, so based on your comment I'll go download Josh's cd right now! m
I have a problem. How is it possible that his Christmas CD does NOT have O Holy Night on it? Have you heard his version? I'm not buying the new cd. (hmm maybe I need some sleep, I'm sounding a little cranky, but C'MON) - m
I saw the Scrabble game at Costco too. How cool is that fridge????
Well, I was going to get you that Planet Earth set, but since you already have it, I guess I just won't get anything :-)
I LOVE that fridge. And I want the Planet Earth series, too.
That fridge might be a little dangerous for you, Jude. I could just see'd put on some Depends and pull up a chair and never move away from the fridge again. We'd have to do a fridge intervention!!
Marianne (aka Miss Crankypants), what kind of Christmas spirit is!! Poor Josh! You could download the new album AND O Holy Night which I noticed was on another album...then you would have a plethera of lovely, calming Christmas Are you getting all the sarcasm in here by the way?? LOL!
Susan, why don't we go splits on the Scrabble and play it at work during our "breaks"! :-)
Alissa, that's so sweet, thanks for thinking of me, it's the thought that counts..LOL!!
Dear Cousin, thanks for giving everyone that mental picture..LOL!!
That would never work would I hold my mac AND my snacks!
I already have your gift and it is not on that list....... Hmmmmm... what to do..... Hmmmm
I am so bopping over to itunes right now to download Noel!! LOVE your list!
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