Dec 06

Just a quick post to shamelessly plug a new business venture that my friends Sheri and Judy have started. If you're a scrapbooker with very little time on your hands, you may want to check it out.
Their business is called In A Pinch Designs and centres around kits that you can purchase and complete in a very short amount of time or a pinch! How creative!
They've set up a website and a blog which you can check out here and here. As well as kits they're also going to offer online classes.
Good luck ladies...I'm sure it will be a huge success!!


Anonymous said...

Cool! Off to check it out!

Bridget aka Bee said...

Sounds wonderful!! I will definitely keep checking back!hhj

Holly said...

looks good!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Judy for your post! It's very exciting and I appreciate your support!!!