Jan 03

Well, did you watch? The premiere of Celebrity Apprentice just finished and it definitely looks promising. Omarosa is still manipulative, arrogant and basically...a bitch! If you've never watched The Apprentice before, Omarosa is from the first season and really made quite a name for herself, not in a good way though.
Oops....I better put SPOILER ALERT here before I get in trouble for divulging too much information.


I was glad to see the men's team win, they deserved to. They worked hard and used their celebrity to their full advantage. And what can you say about Gene Simmons...the man really is a rock star, without even trying! He is definitely going to add a lot of spice to this show. I would be very surprised if he wasn't in the final two. He's just too cool behind those glasses...sssssmokin'! Not sure what he's got going on with that hair though...he and Trump...same barber??
I think Stephen Baldwin will add some comic relief to the men's team. Off topic for a minute, did anyone besides me watch Celebrity Mole? The first season had Stephen Baldwin, Corbin Bernsen, Kathy Griffin and Ahmad Rashad was the host. There were 7 contestants all together but Stephen and Corbin were hilarious together!
Anyway, it should be an interesting season. As much as I dislike Omarosa, I think I'd like her to stick around awhile..not win, just stay long enough to irritate everyone. She really got under Pier's skin tonight! I enjoy him, very outspoken.
I'm not sure about the women's team. They seem sort of lackluster. Aaaaww...and the poor male viewers..the playboy bunny is gone!
If you watched, what did you think...yay or nay??


Holly said...

okay - I'd love to watch, but I need to keep my shows to my normal list - even though most of them are on a striking hiatus! Ah, Gene - LOVE him!

Now, you didn't actually say who got fired... or did I read too fast?

Judy said...

Oh, c'mon might as well start watching! A couple more weeks and there won't be much else to see!
Actually, there are a couple other new shows starting that might be good...I'll let you!!

Susan said...

Oh yeah, Gene rocks! His hair makes me cringe too, but I think he keeps it that way so that he can put it up in the ponytail that he sports when he puts on the Kiss makeup. It will be interesting to see what happens when his ego comes up against Trump's. He's my definite favourite so far. I think Marilu will be pretty good too.

Sandy C said...

OMG! I love that you watched The Mole! What happened to that show? I liked it. I also watched the show about Gene Simmons family. Now that was a good show. Loved the kids in it. His son? So funny!

Anyway, on to Apprentice. I wasn't planning on watching. I hate Donald Trump and it's the principle of the thing. If I watch I make him money. And, I feel that by attacking Rosie O'Donnell and calling her fat (like the fat sucks away the brain or something) he was really attacking all of us fatties and that was just wrong. But...Celebrity Apprentice? I just had to tune in. Is it just me or was the Playboy Bunny not hot. I was expecting her to be gorgeous but she was so normal. Her biggest downfall was not standing up to Omarosa. I liked the way Carol Alt stood up to Omarosa. I don't agree with you about Omarosa. I don't like her and would have been happy to have her gone first. I'm hooked and I hate that I'm hooked.