1) Today was a snow day for our entire family! Yippee!!! No work, all play! I can't believe how much snow we got today...someone with a camera and a penchant for taking pictures probably could have provided a visual example or two with this post. Know anyone like that?

2) Celebrity Apprentice was FANTASTIC last night! The whole scheme of sending Vincent to spy on the women was hilarious...first he's spying, then he's helping them and he confesses to Marilu, then Piers rats on him, the women turn on him and he tells Trump he's a man without a country. Trump tells him to bring it to the boardroom and he can have his say there.
The whole boardroom scenario was priceless, watching Piers become more and more uncomfortable and sweat practically pouring down his face! In the end Vinny (for those of you who don't know, was a main character in the Sopranos) resigns, noone gets fired, Trump accepts his resignation and then THE. BEST. ENDING. they're walking out of the boardroom Journey's Don't Stop Believing starts to play, there are a couple shady looking characters on the street as Vinny leaves, he opens the cab door, looks up at the building....and the screen goes black!! The hilarity of this whole thing will be totally lost on anyone that didn't watch the Sopranos finale. I'll bet you still liked it though!

3) Ok, Lost executives...what the hell were you thinking?? Other than a couple shows the first season, I've never watched Lost regularly. This week our local paper had a blurb from their TV guru saying that this may be the time to start watching if you never have before.
He said that Wednesday night they were showing last season's two hour finale but with the added bonus of captioning, explaining the characters and what was going on....basically like a Pop Up Video version (I use to love those!!). Then Thursday they were showing a one hour recap of the past three seasons and then they would show the season premiere.
Would it not have made more sense to show the one hour three season recap BEFORE the two hour season finale of last season??? I started to watch that two hour "pop up video" thing...well, that was just INSANE...try watching an episode of a show you've never seen with people talking and action going on AND at the same time you're supposed to be reading the bottom of the screen which is explaining who people are, popping up little pictures of other people and scrolling SO fast it was even hard to read! LOL!!
I finally gave up, taped everything (yes, on a vcr..I know, how archaic!) and I'll watch it in the other order and see if that helps. So...real Lost fans, was it good for you??

4) My friend Susan and I are rather tall compared to our husbands. When I posted the bridesmaids and wedding pictures last week she commented and asked me if I wore heels. Actually I did wear shoes with a small heel but this was the solution we came up with for pictures...

5) Last Friday night Emily's school choir was invited to sing the national anthem at the Rangers game. They really do sing the night of the game but they actually pre-tape the anthem and basically just sing along with the tape that they've made. I jokingly said something about them being the Milli Vanilli of school choirs and she of course, being 8, said..."huh?"
Oh, and again with that whole good photographer thing...these pictures are from two years ago when they sang. I didn't get one decent shot this time. Same camera, same seats idea what went wrong! These will have to do!

6) Last weekend I went and saw Juno. I wanted to see what all the hype was about and if it was as good as they said. (Who are "they" by the way?) It did NOT disappoint! It was VERY, VERY good!! Funny, witty dialogue, touching, heartwarming, great music, and the characters were fantastic. I can see why it's nominated for so many awards, especially Diablo Cody, who's first time this was writing a screenplay. She's gone from writing a blog about her experiences as a stripper to being nominated for an Oscar! Amazing!


Susan said...

OH.MY.GOD. What a great picture of you and Tim!! I love it! We did one like that in our engagement pictures on the steps at Mutual Life (now SunLife)--except you can't see our feet. And doesn't Tim look handsome in his tux?

I loved the ending to the Apprentice too--and got the Sopranos reference as well even though I never really watched it..I did know how it ended.

Anonymous said...

After quite an absence I was going to email you yesterday to remind you "It's Friday", time for FFFA! Thanks for posting! I had totally forgot about the pic with you and Tim. Lost? I heard about it and my first thought while reading was "if you're having trouble keeping up, I'm sure glad I didn't try". Glad to hear you're still enjoying CA - I wasn't sure you would after Gene left. - marianne

Sandy C said...

So glad you're posting again - I missed you!

Celebrity Apprentice was so good! I didn't know if I'd like it without Gene. You see the sweat pouring off of Piers? ROFL!! I kinda got the ending. I thought there was something about those guys lurking but wasn't quite sure. That's funny.

On Lost. I've been watching it since the beginning and frankly? I'm Lost!! It's a really complex show and you actually have to remember crap that happened a couple of seasons ago and I just don't have that whole "memory" thing going for me so it's frustrating. I was thinking of not watching anymore but Kevin & I watch together and I love "tv together time" so I'll probably watch this season just to spend time with my kid - you wait! This may happen to you some day. Sad, eh?

One more thing....while you were having your snow day? It was a balmy 70 degrees here. Not a cloud in the sky, Got the sun in my eye.... teehee!!

Holly said...

1. Snow Day -- hmmm, I guess I could have taken pictures, but I was too busy getting ELTON JOHN TICKETS!

2. Sorry, no C.Apprentice here...

3. LOST: lol... I have yet to watch the pop-up-video version of last year's finale, but I did watch the recap and this year's opener. Man, that show continues to throw twists! Judy, you NEED to rent the DVDs!

4. Sorry Tim, but I am still laughing...

5. oh, Milli Vinilli (sp?)... LOL!!! Good pics from 2 years ago though.

6. I really wanna see Juno!

Bridget aka Bee said...

GREAT post!!! LOVE the wedding picture! They did almost the same thing with us cause Jeff is 10 i/2 inches taller than me!!! Soooo funny!

I can't wait to see Juno! A must see for sure I hear!!

Glad you had a great snow day....yep - I'm STILL jealous!!