Jan 01

I was going to do the meme that Susan did on her blog (the first sentence of the first post of each month from 2007) but as I looked through my posts I realized they almost all referred to some sort of excuse or apology for not blogging recently! It was kind of funny, kind of sad in a way. Well, no more of those...apologies, I mean..lol!! What you see is what you get! But here I am starting out the new year right...first day, first post. Hmmm...how long will it last? I give it a day or two! I'm not making any promises or any of those ridiculous resolutions, I'm just going to do my best! Oh my gosh, I'm such a mother..."just try and do your very best, if you've done you're best, you can be proud of yourself". Gee, I'm not sure that applies to a 43 year old who's "best" is held back by sheer exhaustion or just plain laziness sometimes! But I have managed to do this blogging thing for over a year now so I'm not about to quit but daily posts, sometimes even weekly posts, may be a bit much to ask but here we go....welcome to 2008! I hope the coming year brings you all the joy, peace and happiness you want and deserve. HAPPY NEW YEAR and thanks so much for reading!


Susan said...

Happy New Year to you too!

Bridget aka Bee said...

Happy New Year Judy!!!

Holly said...

Happy New Year! Ah, we'll still read you blog no matter how sporadic the posts may be. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I hope 2008 is a great one for you!