No, not me! The three teenagers I almost ran over tonight!

For those that aren't familiar with the Darwin Awards, this is the Wikepedia description:
A Darwin Award is a tongue-in-cheek honour named after evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. The Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the Gene pool". It is for people who kill themselves accidentally by attempting to do stupid feats.

Ok, my encounter wasn't quite that serious but dammit, it could have been. I was on my way home after the kid's swimming lessons tonight and the one particular road I take coming into our neighbourhood consists of a steep hill and a sharp curve at the bottom. It's also lined with trees on both sides, quite dark and tonight it was wet as well.
I'm just at the bottom starting to go around the curve and I realize that 2 guys SITTING on skateboards have just gone past me on the other side of the road. They came down the hill and around the curve towards me...all dressed in dark colours, barely visible. Oh, but don't worry about them, they'll be fine...they were wearing helmets! While I'm still trying to process what I had just seen, I'm going around the curve and I realize that a third one has just about lost control on the curve coming down the hill and has almost careened into the side of my van!! Trust me, the helmets would NOT have helped!

After you read this next part you can call me a tattletale if you want but I was just trying to do everyone a favour...

I went for a walk shortly after we got home and I happened to see a police cruiser parked down the street so I stopped and told him what had happened. Actually I told him *after* he got over the shock of me scaring the heck out of him! He was sitting in his KITT car working on his computer (that pop culture reference will be lost to anyone under 25!) and I was standing there waiting, not wanting to knock on the window because I thought for sure that would scare him. All of a sudden he turned and saw me standing there and practically jumped out of his skin! He rolls down the window and says "geez you scared me...somebody call the cops!" HA HA HA...funny...and cute...but how helpful would he be in an emergency if little ol' me could scare him! Hmmm....I hope it wasn't the way I looked that scared him! No comment from you readers thank you very much!
Anyway, he said he would check on them and went on his merry little way. I'm not sorry I squealed on them, seriously, they could have killed themselves.


Susan said...

So, you flirted with a cop, did ya? Was he eating a donut?

Anonymous said...

He probably had a donut AND coffee, right? Of course, these younger cops (like my DH) really seem to prefer Slim Jims and Cokes :-)

Seriously, I'd have told on them, too. You could have saved their lives!

Maddie and Sydney said...

Hi Judy! I'm a friend of Holly's.. I just had to leave a comment here. We had similar bonehead juveniles living beside us when we lived near Atlanta. I can understand the thrill-seeking, but give me a break! I would feel most sorry for the person who hits them if they continue to do this! Good job 'tattling'... you did the right thing! And as far as the cop goes, I can just imagine his face when he spotted you.. hee hee.

Holly said...

LOL --- I love that you scared him, and in the KITT car. ROTFLMAO!

Idiotic kids -- I've almost taken out a few in my time... when will they learn!?

Bridget aka Bee said...

I would have done the same thing Judy! Good work!!!

alison said...

Ya know, it's just amazing that enough teenage boys reach the age of procreation without killing themselves to actually propagate the species. I was picking up my daughter from a playdate and saw the older brother of the playmate and his friends jumping off a trampoline while holding sleds to get more height/speed up for the run down their steep backyard hill. Did I mention the number of trees in the yard?

Anonymous said...

WOW... all these responses from women. Each one agrees with you and most almost did the same thing. Interesting... very interesting.

Sandy C said...

Now, I just think ya shoulda gone back in the van and killed 'em. See? I'm turning into a redneck living way down here in Forida all this time! ROFL!!

Anonymous said...

I just can't stop laughing over your whole cop description (I think I snorted, lol) But c'mon, you never did anything risky, ok dumb, when you were young(er)? -- marianne