Well, the weekend is over but the Oscars are NOT! It's almost midnight and they are still. going. on....

I LOVE the Oscars and I was really looking forward to them this year but good grief...must they take FOREVER?

DIABLO CODY just WON for Original Screenplay for Juno!!! That is so exciting...I don't think anyone expected her to win. I have no idea why she fascinates me...I just love her story.

Wow, they're really speeding things up now. The Coen's just won Directing for No Country for Old Men. They hustled off the stage and Denzel practically came running out to announce Best Picture...No Country for Old Men.

Look at that, I was wrong. They are actually going to finish by midnight!

Jon Stewart was ok as host. The opening monologue definitely wasn't as long or "splashy" as previous years but he had some decent lines. I liked his description of Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men...something about his Dorothy Hamill bob haircut! Have you seen him in that movie? The hair is freaky!

I guess I can pack it in for tonight! Big weekend wrap-up post coming tomorrow. I actually managed to get away for two full days and had a great time!

How was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

My weekend was busy busy busy...but I didn't get a thing accomplished! And I didn't see even one second of the Oscars :-)

Bridget aka Bee said...

OOOHHH...can't wait to hear about your weekend away!

Saw some of the Oscars last night - and started a list of all the movies I misses and have to catch up on! Can't wait to see Juno!

Holly said...

I gave up at 10:30.. but I still have Oscar on the PVR. VERY happy for Diablo. And to think she was/is a blogger!!!

Can't wait to hear about the Nott. Hopefully I can join you next year!

Anonymous said...

I had a fabulous weekend!! But, there was this crazy lady who kept trying to give me oranges. She said they would prevent scurvy. What's with that!

alison said...

I only caught 5 mins of the Oscars. Saw Tilda Swinton win. Then I went to bed. Fun weekend, it was our winter carnival and we skated and went on a horse-drawn sleigh ride and a community spaghetti supper and family dance. Lots of fun for the girls and me too.

Anonymous said...

I want Ellen back! Jon Stewart was horrible. Could you hear his pause after each joke, waiting for laughter that never came? I'm sure he's a nice guy but this was not his gig. The whole show was boring and yes, I watched the entire thing, sigh ... waiting for something to happen. Hey ... where's your post about your weekend? - marianne