I'm sure there's something funny in here somewhere...unless you're me!
Husband is out for the evening
Son goes to bed
Son can't stop coughing
Son gets up to use washroom
Mother decides to give him puffers for his cough
Mother getting them ready when son proceeds to vomit all over himself, bathroom floor, receptacle known as mother's hands and eventually toilet
Mother sympathizes while cleaning up with paper towels
Mother throws paper towel into toilet
Son, feeling remarkably well and amazingly perceptive asks "are you only supposed to put toilet paper in there?"
Mother, feeling reprimanded by 5 year old, says "yes, I should put that in the garbage but just this once I'm going to put it in the toilet and flush it."
Mother doesn't want to admit she's just too lazy to walk downstairs to the garbage in the garage
Mother proceeds to put one more in toilet and then flush criminal waste into oblivion
Mother horrified as "evidence" disappears but water and "remnants" do not and toilet begins to fill up
Mother holds breath, cursing under it, watching, watching...
Mother breathes again as water stops rising
Son sees "remnants" and says "eeeeewwww...gross!"
Mother reminds son that this is why we do NOT put paper towels in the toilet (oh, there's the funny "hypocritical" part!)
Mother closes lid and leaves for husband to fix when he gets home
Mother pretty sure husband won't find the humour in that part :-)
And how was your evening??
Monday, March 03, 2008
I think my night with Elton was much better than yours --- sorry to rub it in! :)
Thanks for the great visual,lol! marianne
OMG, Judy! That's funny! You and I are more alike than we will ever know! Hope Jesse's feeling better!
Ha Ha! The leaving it for husband part? TOTALLY something I would do :-)
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Judy! I would have do the EXACT same thing!!
You had a kid puke on you and Tim only has to fix a toilet? He definitely got the better deal on that one!!
You know, I think we all have had kids puke into our hands. Not a fun evening by the sounds of things. At least you could leave part of the clean-up for your hub.
I really wonder why your poor son was sick..hmmmmmm.... did you try cooking again? LOL !!!!!
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