I wish more women read my blog because this is the one time it could actually be useful and help someone. If anyone is reading this and has been putting off getting a mammogram simply because they were scared and thought it would be painful I can tell you that after having one was a breeze!
In the past week I've had a physical, a needle (10 year tetanus) and this mammogram and I can tell you of the three..the mammogram was the easiest. Ok, I realize most people would probably say the needle was the easiest but I pretty much hyperventilate when I even think about having a needle and blood tests are the worst. (Damn, I still have to go have that done too I just remembered. They've left it up to me to go and have bloodwork done so that will be a couple weeks guaranteed!) For heaven's sakes I had my kids by natural childbirth simply because the thought of a needle in my spine gave me shivers and made me want to vomit! Yes, looking back, probably not the wisest choice with child #2 who shot out at a whopping 9 pounds 5 ounces. Oops, sorry, flashbacks...and as usual I digress!
Maybe my positive experience today was simply because the technician was so good, I don't know since I have nothing to compare it to. She was so nice and so concerned about making sure I wasn't uncomfortable or in pain. As she was squooshing me sideways and telling me to hold my breath she said "just think of it as if you're at the spa". I asked her what kind of spa *she* went to!
For those of you who have never had one they take 4 pictures in total and you're in and out in less than 10 minutes. Of the 4 only one was even the slightest bit uncomfortable and even that wasn't a big deal. I can't believe how worried I was about the whole thing.
So ladies, there you have girls and I made it through with flying colours, they're not stretched or flattened! They're still fabulously perky and...(I've always wanted to use this line from Seinfeld)...they're real and they're spectacular!!!
P.S. Thanks so much for the good luck comments on my last post!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Based on your experience alone, I will go then, because I have been putting it off for that very reason. (I figure if you can go through it, surely I can??) Thanks for the update. m
Wonderful public service announcement. Glad to hear the girls are well...
Woo hoo Judy! Glad you got through it with flying colours!
marvelous mammorgrams for all!
Good for you!
I'm the same way about shots, btw.
So glad you had a good experience. I suppose a mammo is something that shoulds be on my list too... my doc hasn't suggested this, but it probably IS a good idea. Thanks for easing my mind!
Good for you, Judy! I'm proud of you!
Will you be posting any time soon? hmmmm?
LOL! I'm with Sandy - missing your blogging! :) Ah, but no pressure!! LOL!
I get squished yearly. And it's never as bad as you think it's going to be. Thanks for blogging it.
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