A Lot Can Change In A Year!

I know there's really no excuse for not blogging for almost an entire year (my gosh where does the time go!) but as you can see I've had this whole Benjamin Button thing going on. I just had this taken recently, my birthday is next month and I'm going to be 45!


Holly said...

OMG! That is one awesome pic :)
Welcome back stranger :)

Bridget aka Bee said...

LOL! I am SOOOO glad to have you back in the blogging land! :) VERY cute picture!!!

Maddie and Sydney said...

YAY!!!!! Welcome back, Judy!!! So happy to see you are back :)))

Love the pic!

Susan said...

Welcome back!

Sandy C said...

Yay!! You're back!! I'm one to talk, eh? I've been very remiss in blogging but I have no good news and feel like the "bad news girl". That's a great picture. Doesn't AJ look very very similar? She's so Williams!!

Kathy S said...

Hey - FINALLY something to read while I'm talking to Mark!!! lol

Keep it up.


ps/ you're aging pretty well!

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT believe I even checked this site today! There you are ... just as I remember. - marianne