Last Wednesday my girlfriends Sheri, Janet and Judy B. and I left for Novi, Michigan...home of Mega Meet...a fabulous scrapbooking convention! For non-scrapbookers that feel the need to snicker and mock...go ahead! I've gotten used to the strange looks and comments when I tell people where I'm going. For die hard scrapbookers, though, this is like heaven on earth! Vendor after vendor selling the newest products and some selling original kits and products that we can't get here. There was even the odd deal...actually, a lot of deals! I wasn't originally going to go this year. I just couldn't justify buying more supplies and kits when I haven't used the stuff I bought at the last 2 Mega Meets. I have totally become a shopper and "social scrapper", which basically means I enjoy the social aspect of scrapbooking but really don't accomplish much and the shopping...well, that's my favourite part!
They also offer a lot of classes from some of the top companies in the industry. I took 4 classes on the Thursday which then meant my Friday was completely open for shopping. How dangerous was that! Let's just say when Janet and I snuck in on the Saturday morning for one last look, we could barely scrape together the $5 it cost for parking! After being there all day Thursday and Friday, you're probably wondering why on earth we would need to go back Saturday morning. My dear friend Janet lured me there under the ruse of returning something and not wanting to go by herself. It was a costly little side trip!
The four of us had a stomach hurt from laughing so much and I was still tired today! This years highlights included one too many GIANT margaritas for Sheri (she claims it was Famous Dave's ribs NOT the margaritas!), Judy B. spewing tea all over Janet and Sheri at breakfast (we were so quiet and somewhat respectable up to that point) and the best one...the va-jay-jay paper I found at a scrapbooking store we went to much too late in the evening after an already long and tiring day. All I had to do was show the paper to Sheri and ask her what she thought it looked like and that completely set us off! Me with my high pitched cackle and her with her Betty Rubble giggle...Judy B. could hear us on the other side of the store and knew we were up to something! Apparently so could everyone else. It's amazing how busy this store was at eleven o'clock at night and how well sound travels. I can't believe I didn't buy a piece of this paper to bring was hilarious! It had these "things" all over it which I was informed after were a type of cookie. Well all Sheri and I saw were little you-know-whats! I think the funniest part was showing it to Judy B. who's a NURSE and her not getting what the heck was so funny about this paper!!!
Anyway, it was a fabulous trip (thanks for nagging, oops, I mean convincing me to go ladies!) once again but I am definitely NOT going next year unless I've used up what I bought this year! There, it's in print, I can't go back on my word. Please, someone remind me of this post next May when I say I've decided to go again.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thank you for making me laugh all over again. What do mean, Betty Rubble laugh?
what if I go -- will you come then? LOL!!!!!!
Oh, ok talked me into it!! No, wait, I can't...I have to use my stuff...whew, that was close!! Well, maybe...oh, all right...count me in!!! We'll have a blast!! aaagghhh!!!
And to think some people call me indecisive!!! LOL!!!!!!
What do you mean GIANT Marg's??!! Sheri told me on the phone it WAS the ribs. SHERI!!!!!! Get down here!!!!!
RIBS SHMIBS...those Margaritas weren't just GIANT, they were bowl size...EACH one!! If they hadn't been clear glass you wouldn't have even seen her face...totally lost in that MAMMOTH bowl!!!
Is that what you wanted me to say Sheri...did I do good??? :-)
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