Time for the ever popular Friday Free-For-All...woohoo!!!

1. The absolutely adorable woman (as Sandy says...the one with Per-son-a-li-ty with a capital P!) on Don't Forget The Lyrics ended up winning $350,000! I have no idea how she knew all the words to the last couple of songs she had...unbelievable! You might want to check it out next week...don't waste your time with the Singing Bee. The Lyrics one is quite entertaining and Wayne Brady is a fabulous host!

2. I'm making an early prediction for a Fall TV's a new show called "Big Shots".

3. Emily went to a tennis camp last week for the first time. She really enjoyed it except for the first day when she got hit with a racquet just below the eye and the last day when she got hit again with a racquet right across the bridge of her nose! Ouch! She's one tough little cookie!

4. They published a list this week of the 10 most stolen vehicles and the 10 least stolen vehicles. I'm happy to say noone wants my van...tied for #1 on the least stolen list!

5. What's up with Jason Priestley not telling anyone what the name of his new baby girl is?? I've got a source working on trying to find out what it is. I'll let you know if they have any luck!

6. This will be my last Webkinz post...HONEST! I told Bridget I broke down and bought a pack of Webkinz trading cards after I said I wasn't going to but that I had a really good reason. Emily wanted to give a few packs to a couple friends for birthday presents this weekend so in the interests of research I bought a pack to see what they actually consisted of. Well, they are VERY you can trade, a gift for your pet, special online cards that you can put in your "album"....sooooo cool!
I have to confess I may have bought a couple extra packs for myself and the kids when I bought the ones for birthday gifts.

Well, this was a short one for once! Have a great weekend everyone! We've got a busy one, well, the kids do anyway. Jesse has his last 2 soccer games tomorrow and Emily has 2 birthday tomorrow here in town and the other Sunday in Mississauga for Marlene's daughter Brittany. That should keep us hopping!


Bridget aka Bee said...

Oh Judy...we are just CRAZY addicted to Webkinz. Man, thank goodness for our kids toys! LOL!!!