No cheesy introduction today, I'm getting right to it. I barely got started before midnight...wheeewww...I'd hate to get my "crazy commenters" on my back again!

1) Speaking of crazy commenters (nice segue, eh?)....check out the comments on my "Whatever Wednesday" post! I won't name any names but look at the first two making fun of me because one of my songs is apparently from last year...well, excuuuuse me! I can't help it if I just recently heard it sung at the Concert for Diana and also on a Pantene commercial. I guess it really must be old though if the singer has already sold!!
Then check out "guest blogger" well as making fun of my song, wants details about my garbage...good grief, no wonder I'm having dreams about it! Yes, Sandy, I believe my garbage was distributed evenly amongst my husband, children and myself.
Then I have my "nice" commenter...can't wait to check out my songs, no mockery of my choices...again, not naming anyone unless you can put B together with ridget...hmmm...always enjoy your comments B - ridget!
Then...#4...a little demanding every now and again...takes time from her vacation to make sure I know how lucky I am that she reads my!!
Last but not least there's Holly (oops, put it right out there..tee hee!) jockeying for position on the "nice" list. Well, of course, where else would you haven't nagged me about posting in a long time!

Oh, that was fun to write...cracked myself up the whole time!! Hopefully I didn't lose I've said before...where would I be without you gals! Thanks for commenting...I enjoy each and every one!

2) Sandy gave me this link to try and interpret my garbage truck dream. I put in some keywords and this is what it came up with...

GARBAGE - To dream that you are throwing away your garbage, suggests that you are kicking your old negative habits and throwing away your bad characteristics and unwanted traits. GREAT...I'M BASICALLY A LOSER!

TRUCK - To see a truck in your dream, implies that you are overworked. You may be taking on too many tasks and responsibilities and are weighing you down. STOP LAUGHING...SEE, I DO NEED A VACATION!

NIGHT - To have a dream that takes place at night, represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing that are not too clear. You should put the issues aside so you can clear your head before coming back to it. Alternatively, night may be synonymous with death, rebirth and new beginnings.

NUMBER 4 (since I woke up at 4 a.m.) - denotes stability, physical limitations, hard labor and earthly things, as in the four corners of the earth. It also stands for materialistic matters. You get things done. SEE THAT...I GET THINGS DONE! EXCEPT FOR PUTTING OUT THE GARBAGE.

Well wasn't that all very profound..basically I'm the mother of 2 trying to work full time, stay organized, keep my head above water and deal with a sub-conscious that works overtime and insists on creating my "to do" list in the middle of the night!!!

3) I want to wish Cindy a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY...29 and holding...*wink*!!

4) Watch for big changes on my blog...soon...ok, well, not that soon. I AM a procrastinator you know!

Well, now, this was a little weak for a FRIDAY FREE-FOR-ALL but that's all I got...LOVE ME ANYWAY....PLEASE...LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - ya know? I've never heard a song on a Pantene commercial & just had to buy it - you are an original being, Miss Judy & I'm sure all who visit this blog would agree with that comment! ROFL!!

I never said I was nice - just ask my kids when you see them. teehee!! In fact, when you see them I bet they'll say "nice? no crazy? yes".

Hey - you better start practicing for our "whenever I see Judy we have to have a burping competition". I am so ready, although I do feel I have an edge on you being the mother of three big boys. See ya soon! Your favorite cousin, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Big changes on your blog -- no!! Unless it means Freaky Friday oops I mean Friday Free For All is permanent?! Good for many laughs yet again ... thanks for taking to time out to accomodate those of us who are too lazy (?) to keep up our own blog. - marianne (oh ya overworked, snicker, that was really good)

Holly said...

Oh Judy, my dear and wonderful friend. It is always a joy to read about your rants, rambles and daily doings. My own day would not be complete without a visit to Judy's Blog. Carry on you wonderul lady, carry on! LMAO!!!!

PS. Changes eh? Oh SO curious!!!

Bridget aka Bee said...

LOL!! I'll be checking back LOTS to see your changes!

BTW I DID download 2 of your songs!! LOL! Good minds think alike!!!!

Judy said...

Hey there, cuz...I never said you weren't!! I believe I said some comments are a little nicer than others...others which may seem a little crazy! Ok, was that better or did I just put my foot in it...again...LOL!!! You know what I mean...and of course everyone knows you're sweet as candy!!! :-)

Don't get excited ladies, just a little format change for my blog. More along the look of Holly's and Bridget's. I like that style. And of course, I may need a little banner help...right Miss Holly?..tee hee!

Hey Bridget, don't sell us short....didn't you mean to say GREAT minds think alike...LOL!!!!