Well, the first day jitters are over...mine that is! Emily started Grade 3 on Tuesday and today Jesse went for his first day of Senior Kindergarten. His class will be Junior and Senior mixed together so they like to stagger the starts for the first week. He said there were only four boys there today and all he did was "play, play, play"! He has the same teacher he had for JK last year. She got married this summer and had told the kids what her new name would be. Jesse was a bit worried this morning that he would forget her name. Tonight when I asked him if he remembered he said he just didn't call her anything today.
Emily was in a 2/3 split class last year but is in a straight 3 this time and she has the same teacher again this year. She was also very happy to find that her closest friends are in the same class with her.
They were both so anxious to get back to school. I think it's going to be a very exciting year!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm just going to say this. Emily has balls!! Humoungous (sp?) balls! It takes a girl with style and self-esteem and mega personality to wear a hat to school. How cute is she? I'm so glad I got to see her this summer. She's gonna take the world and shake it up, I tell you! And....I still say those children should be models. I am so not kidding here, Jude! They are so cute!!

Genesis tonight? I'm soooo jealous!!!!!!!!!! Have fun and, if you get a change, give him a big kiss for me! OMG I love him!!


Bridget aka Bee said...

So cute!! Good luck this year Emily and Jesse!

Holly said...

the pics are so nice judy!!!! :) good luck kiddies...