Let me start by saying I really didn't need blog material. I'm very far behind in posting many things...all nice, summery, and event-filled. This was not planned or welcome!

Let me also start by pointing out a few things...
1) I NEVER carry cash. I'm a debit, credit kind of girl.
2) I NEVER leave my purse in my van overnight.
3) I NEVER leave my van unlocked all night.

Can you see where this is going? You're a very smart bunch, I'll bet you can.

Last night after work I planned on taking Jesse shopping for pants but I had had a migraine on and off all day and by the time I got home I didn't feel well and decided to lay down for a bit before we went. Before I knew it, it was after 7 so we didn't go. I did manage to watch Prison Break later (which was VERY good by the way!) but then went to bed.
This morning I'm scrambling to get to work on time (as usual) and I can't find my sunglasses. Looked in the van, in my purse, in the house, back in the get the picture. Then I'm in the van, having given up on finding them for now, and I look up at my visor and the little envelope with my Alan Jackson tickets is gone! Then I look in my wallet which is in my purse down between the seats and some cash (which I normally never have) is gone, then I notice also missing is my Mastercard, Amex...and my CAA (what's up with that?)!

So yes, I went to bed, forgot to bring my purse in and forgot to lock the van and some F#@*ING LITTLE PUKES stole my stuff!!
What are the odds that the ONE night I forget to lock it, this happens! They have a lot of nerve too because our motion sensor lights would have lit up the entire front of the house and the driveway. Not to mention that they (and I guess I should thank them for this) must have stood there with the interior lights on as well while they PICKED THROUGH MY WALLET and only took those few things! Unbelievable!
At first I was so upset but it was my own fault and it could have been so much worse. Yes, I'm out a decent pair of sunglasses but they're replaceable and my tickets will be replaced, I can pick them up that night and whatever poor saps buy mine will not get past the door! The whole cash thing bothers me, I just can't believe it. When I say I never have cash, I'm not kidding, usually less than five dollars but this one time...Saturday my two girlfriends paid me back for the baby shower gifts I had bought for a friend of ours and Sunday my other girlfriend paid me for the two High School Musical tickets I sold her...all cash and all in my wallet! Just this one time, I'm glad I'm a bit of a "spendthrift", I had spent a chunk of it at the show and on dinner after.

The upside to all this...they missed a twenty dollar bill that was tucked in between some receipts, I'm not spending countless hours replacing every piece of ID I was carrying (including the kids and my health cards), I had cheques I hadn't cashed that would have been a nightmare to replace and I also had two prepaid Black's digital print cards that they didn't take. I know, I'm out the cash and sunglasses but I'm doing my best to find the "glass half full" in all this.

Lessons learned everyone?? Shall we review?? Don't leave your purse in an unlocked vehicle, don't carry so much crap in your wallet and purse, especially if it's important, and take a photocopy of all your ID and keep it somewhere safe!! I always had good intentions of doing that but never got around to it.
One of my co-workers was shocked..."you're all stocked up and ready for the end of the world but don't"....yes, thank you, I GET IT!!
It's a good thing I didn't write this post this morning when I was going to...would have been a much stronger adult only version! That's the great thing about having a blog, the venting really helps. I feel much better now, broke, but better.


Susan said...

When I got my credit card stolen, my CAA card and health cards were stolen as well. (I didn't realize that until a few weeks later...) I would have probably been most pissed about the concert tickets--glad to hear they're replaceable.

Anonymous said...

Well that truly sucks! The one time you have just figures, doesn't it? Glad to know you're looking at it glass half full, though. get to see Alan Jackson which is a good thing, too. Lesson learned, I guess. We had a slew of car thefts in our neighbourhood a couple of months ago so we started locking our car doors but have slipped up on that lately, so I'll use this as a reminder.

Schnider Photography said...

Oh Judy, that really sucks!!!

I am anal about locking the cars, house, etc... etc... I'm sure you will be too. But, thank goodness for replaceable tickets. Yay for you! Oops about the cash. I guess you'll be on a McD break for a while? ;)

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding! The thing that shocks me the most is they actually went through your purse and your car looking for the "right stuff". And leaving everything else ... a thief with a conscience? Wow ... I gotta go tell the office about this one now. marianne

Bridget aka Bee said...

Oh my goodness Judy! That is horrible! We should be able to leave our cars unlocked on our driveways. It's a sad sad world that we can't. UGH! I am definitely going to be doublechecking that I lock them now! Thanks for the reminder.

Have fun at the Alan Jackson show! I hope those poor saps try to get in and get rejected - they so deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I'm an idiot, Jude. TWICE I've left my car unlocked. TWICE they've stolen my good coats. Because I'M AN IDIOT. I always leave my stuff in the car. The last time, they riffled through my glove box, but you couldn't tell, because my car is such a mess! lol

The first time they took the coat that I had gotten from when I was on Style By Jury. The second time they took the beautiful coat Jeff had bought me for christmas, and in the pocket were the gold earrings he had bought me for Valentines Day. THAT sucks. ID? I can replace it. That stuff is priceless.

Cousin Karen!