My Uncle Don and Aunt Irene recently celebrated their 50th anniversary! About 40 family members and friends gathered at a restaurant in Brampton to celebrate the fun, fabulous couple that they are! Uncle Don is my mom's older and only sibling and unfortunately, a Montreal Canadiens fan, but what can you do...every family has something to endure...lol!!
Seriously, they are such a great couple and so much fun. Our families don't get many opportunities to spend time together so this was a very special occasion!

On the left is my aunt with her four fabulous children, Steve, Kim, Karen and in front is my "blogger-wanna-be" cousin Sandy! I love these guys, they are a riot and I make sure I tell each one they're my favourite (but of course, you REALLY are Sandy, don't tell the others!).

The picture on the right is the next generation of cousins. From the left is Jesse, Steve's daughter Samantha, Emily, Kim's son Tom (her daughter Lindsey had just left), and Sandy's three sons, Scott, Jeff and Kevin.

Sandy and her husband Andrew were also celebrating a milestone anniversary...their 25th! The picture on the left is them opening cards that Emily and Jesse made for them and laughing uncontrollably (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little!) at the "25th Anniversary Survival Kit" I put together...cause you know they need my help. I don't know how they've made it this far without me...lol!! Their "kit" included things like...mouthwash, ear plugs, handcuffs, hand sanitizer and name tags that said "If found please return to" and had the other's name and address on it. Sandy thought the name tags would definitely come in handy when she gets old and forgetful. I think she wore it the next day! Seriously though, they are two of the nicest people, and I want to wish them another 25 years of happiness together!

I want to make sure I mention the video that Karen and her husband Jeff put together. It included pictures and videos and was all set to music. It was absolutely amazing! I can only imagine how long it must have taken to put it all together.
The evening was a huge success! We had such a good time and it was so nice to see everyone again. Love you guys!!!


Susan said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice write-up!! I'll send a link to my family to take a look - and....I'll try to keep a straight face when they think they're the favourite cousins...NOT!!! We're the only ones who have to know, Judy!! They can't burp like us nor can they twirl a baton like us nor did any of them like pink & purple like us...we're just too much alike not to be favourites!! I did use the name tags, by the way. The handcuffs? mmmm....not-so-much!! Although this weekend? When Andrew pissed me off? argh!! he's lucky I couldn't pin him down!! ROFL!!

Love ya, Jude!!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I loved looking at the pics, Uncle Don and Aunt Irene haven't changed! Look how the family has grown now with all the offspring ... does your mom check your blog? She'd love it - marianne