....SORT OF!!!
Chris over at Rude Cactus has declared today to be DELURKER DAY!
I'm barely making it in under the wire...the day is almost at a close and I'm just now getting around to acknowledging it! I'd hate to miss out on all this fun and I'd certainly hate to miss an opportunity to meet anyone who might be lurking and may just want to say "hi"!
For anyone new to blogs and the lingo, a "lurker" is someone who reads a blog but doesn't comment. So just for this one day, as you're passing through, if you wouldn't mind just leaving a quick "hello" I would be ever so grateful. I love getting comments and I would love to know who's reading and if you happen to have a blog I'll be over to visit and say "hi" as well.

Happy Delurker Day to everyone!


Susan said...

Happy Delurking day!

Sandy C said...

Holy Cow, Judy! You're a posting maniac this week! Keep it up - I love reading and commenting.

Anonymous said...

Happy Delurking Day yesterday!

Chris Cactus said...

Happy Delurking Day (only slightly late)

Holly said...

Holly? present!

Maddie and Sydney said...

I'm Holly's friend, Kelly and I do check up on you now and again! Happy Delurking Day!