Some of you may know that I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions...you make them, you break them. Well, I do anyway! Not a great way to start a new year.
The other day as I was going from blog to blog to blog I came across one that had this fabulous idea. If you CLICK HERE you can read what Christine Kane has adopted as her ritual for each new year. Basically, she chooses one word that resonates with her and describes what she wants to accomplish or BE for that upcoming year...DO - HAVE - BE.
She suggests choosing just one word...it gives you greater focus but if more than one stand out, try to narrow it down to no more than three or possibly one for the first half of the year and one for the second half.
Here's a list of words that may help you choose...
Abundance, Accept, Accomplish, Action, Adapt, Adventure, Appreciate, Artist, Aspire, Attention, Attitude, Aware
Balance, Be, Become, Believe, Breathe
Celebrate, Challenge, Change, Cherish, Choose, Commit, Compassion, Complete, Confidence, Connect, Consistency, Content, Control, Courage, Creativity
Dare, Decide, Determination, Direction, Discipline, Discover, Do, Dreams, Dwell
Effortlessness, Embrace, Encourage, Endure, Energy, Enjoy, Enough, Enrich, Enthusiasm, Escape, Evolve, Execution, Explore, Exuberant
Fabulous, Faith, Finish, Flexible, Flourish, Focus, Forgive, Freedom, Friendship, Fulfill, Fun
Give, Go, Grace, Gratitude, Green, Grow, Growth
Health, Home, Honesty, Honor, Hope,
Journey, Joy
Listen, Live, Love
Manage, Me, Motivate, Move
No, Now, Nurture
One, Open, Opportunity, Optimism
Patience, Pause, Peace, Perseverance, Persistence, Perspective, Presence, Prioritize
Reach, Reflect, Reinvention, Rejuvenation, Relax, Release, Remember, Resilience, Resolution, Resolve, Respect, Revive
Savour, Simplify, Smile, Spirit, Spontaneous, Stability, Strive, Strong, Succeed
Teach, Tolerance, Tranquility, Triumph, True, Trust, Try
I'm still trying to pinpoint that one word. I'll definitely do a post when I come up with it.
In the meantime I'd love to know if you decide to choose a word and if so which one and why.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
good golly, you couldn't have put those in a paragraphy with each word separated by commas? ;)
There you go my dear...changed..just for you..lol!!!
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