The weekend before the Mother's Day weekend (yes, behind as usual!) had to be THE busiest weekend we've had in ages...well, Emily and I. Ok, mostly her...I just did a lot of prepping and driving.
Friday night we had a little of this...dance recital dress rehearsal...
Followed by driving her to a friend's birthday party for a little of this...
Saturday morning began with 2 hours of this...cheerleading practice...
Followed by the dance recital...show #1...
Followed that evening by the dance recital...show #2...
Followed by...oooohh...this one was for me...If you enjoy this type of movie then this is one you do NOT want to miss! Robert Downey Jr. was amazing, this role was perfect for him and the entire movie was entertaining right from the minute it started until the very end! I LOVED it!
Sunday morning started at 6:30 (now wishing late movie hadn't been so late!), driving 45 minutes to participate in this...the Cheer Alliance National Championships... In the photo above Emily is in the group on the left. She's the "base" (as she calls it) on the right.
This was only Emily's second competition since she started cheerleading and my first time getting to watch her (my weekend away ended up conflicting with the first one after they changed the original date). This was so much fun to watch and what a huge competition! There were over 150 different teams from Canada and the U.S. and in Emily's division there were 11 teams competing. Her team did a great job and she had a blast so she wasn't terribly disappointed when she found out they had placed 11th. She knew they had, as she put it..."messed up their ending and hadn't done their somersaults together". She was hoping that since there was so many of them that maybe the judges hadn't noticed! Too cute!
Then we headed back home, changed from this...
back into this for one more dance show...
...and then it was early to bed for everyone that night! We were exhausted! Listen to me, like I really did anything!
I was so proud of Emily, she had so much fun going from one event to the other and she did a great job dancing and cheering.
Please excuse some of my pictures. That's part of the reason this post took so long. I kept trying to fix and tweak, obviously without much luck and finally I just gave up. I really need some Photoshop lessons and I really shouldn't have used my new camera. That really wasn't the best time to experiment!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Emily looks great!
Wow! That's great that she's so involved...and that you are, too. She looks awesome!
Holy Cow! What a busy little girl and her momma, too! Did you take video of the dance recital? I wanna see! I wanna see! OMG Judy, I'm so jealous that you have a girl. If I had a girl, I'd have gotten to go to dance and cheerleading. Does she do figure skating? Oh! Don't even tell me she does or I'll have to come kill you and take your place in her life....and....she's blonde to boot! Are you sure she's not mine? ROFL!!! Hey! Remember when we'd go outside for hours and practice baton twirling? If I remember, you were pretty darn good, too. Anyway, If you have video I really do want to see it. Let me know!
yowza!!! BUSY!
she looks so cute - and in her element for sure!
lol on the new camera and wrong time to use it. you'll get it :)
SOOOO fun!! Emily looks so cute! And holy cow does she look like you!!
Jeff read your post first this time and is ADAMANT that we go to see Iron Man next week!! LOL!!
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