To say that I was shocked yesterday when I heard about Heath Ledger would be a huge understatement. I still can't believe it. There are certain young celebrities that you would have expected to hear something like this about. He was not one of them.
It has saddened me in a way I don't even really understand. It's not like I knew him personally. Is that what the media has done to us? Made us all feel like we really do know these people, that we have some right to know everything about them and their loved ones, and actually make judgments about the way they live their lives? The rumour mill and the speculations started almost immediately, within an hour of the time of his death, we were hearing about it on the news. I'm as much to blame as the media. I listen to them, I believe them (with much skepticism though), and I want to know more. When will it end?
Heath Ledger was young and talented and I feel so very sorry for his family, especially his daughter.
Two of the movies he starred in are favourites of mine... Casanova and A Knight's Tale. I really enjoyed these two movies, give them a try sometime
if you've never seen them. As you're watching them, lose yourself in the characters and stories he's created and then remember him for what he really was...a father, son, and friend...just like the rest of us.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Nicely said - marianne
Very nice post Judy.
I am picking up Casanova from the library today! I put it on hold after you mentioned it on Tues night.
well said Judy.
I am borrowing Casanova from B when she's done. I've seen A Knight's Tale and thought it was great! Entertaining for guys and girls!
so true... who are we to judge? How would our lives look under the microscope?
so sad...
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