This trip we decided to try a new tourist attraction. The last time we spent a day in Philadelphia and went to the Please Touch Children's Museum but this time we decided to go to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey.
This place was absolutely AMAZING! It was so interesting and educational. As well as displays, there are 3 different 4D rides, a seal show, huge viewing tanks and interactive spots where you could touch different "creatures". If you're brave enough you can even swim with sharks!
I'll explain the pictures...
#1 are types of anemones...I think. Don't quote me on that one.
#2 are called Shortnose Batfish. They prefer to "walk" along the bottom on their leg-like fins.
#3 is a Frogfish. It can "hide" in plain sight by mimicking a sponge or coral.
#4 is when we were in the Shark Tunnel. You're basically walking through a clear glass tunnel underwater while sharks are swimming all around. It was hard to get any good pictures in there because of all the glass and reflections. My picture makes it look very black and dark but the water was actually very clear and brilliant blue.
#5 is a Giant Spider Crab.
#6 is yes, Dory, officially known as a Blue Tang. little guppies.
#8 was one of the stars of The Penguin March. Ok, I just made that up...but who knows, he could have been!
#9 & 10 are pictures of Jesse having a little fun in the gift shop with a stuffed penguin and a sharks head...should I be concerned?!!
#11...behind us across the river is the Philadelphia skyline.
#12 is the Ben Franklin Bridge which we crossed to get from Philadelphia to New Jersey. the background is the Battleship New Jersey.
There you have it...FINALLY...the end of my vacation posts! Well, that vacation at least. I still have many more posts to do about summer fun! Stay tuned, you won't want to miss one exciting moment...LOL!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Nice! Well you are building a nice site of memories, which is what you wanted with this blog. It's great you can post pics, tell stories etc., because (as you've said) after a while we don't remember all the small details. - marianne
Awesome pictures!!! Okay, I'd be terrified in the shark tunnel!
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